1·The Resis was resistant to brown spot and powdery mildew.
2·Disease: Aphids, mealy bugs, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spot, stem and root rot if over watered.
3·Several powdery mildew resistance genes derived from wild emmer accessions have been mapped on the short and long arms of chromosome 2B by SSR marker.
4·The landraces of wheat contain abundant resistance genes to powdery mildew, which are promising resistant resources for breeding new resistant cultivars.
5·Now, the markers of powdery mildew and downy mildew in cucumber have been found, but there was no report on molecular markers of cucumber wilt up to date.
6·The MLO protein, as CaM binding protein, had been presumed as a resistance-suppressing factor in the interaction between barley and its powdery mildew pathogen.
7·Based on systematic analysis of integrated disease management system of rubber powdery mildew, a control decision model was established by using computer simulation.
8·The invention has the effects of strong systematic property and protecting, treating and yielding the crops, thus being a novel medicine for controlling powdery mildew.
9·In this paper, the chromosome location, the resource and utilization of wheat powdery mildew resistant genes were reviewed. At the same time, the countermeasure of control the...
10·Occurs in a timely manner spraying of insecticides. 2, powdery mildew: Block melon with high sulfur suspension after stabilization, spray once every 10 days, a total of three spray.